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Karen Fricker, Brock University

930 Clemens Hall

Organized by the Performance Research Workshop, co-sponsored by the Melodia E. Jones Chair and the Canadian Studies Program  


Margot Backus, University of Houston

420 Capen Hall

"'Love’s Poison Mystery': Food, Sex, and the New Journalist Sex Scandal in Ulysses’ Lestrygonians" Throughout Ulysses, but most pointedly in Lestrygonians, James Joyce employs images of food and consumption to figure the New Journalism’s occlusion of labor and workers through its fixation on the scandal as an extraordinary, reified product.  In Lestrygonians in particular, Joyce repeatedly employs […]


The 4th Annual Haudenosaunee Research Symposium

B45-Lower Gallery, Center for the Arts, North Campus

Organized by the UB Haudenosaunee/Native American Studies Research Group Sponsored by the UB Humanities Institute, the Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy and the UB Native Graduate Association Free and open to the public, please use Fronczack parking lot for more information:  


Shannon Bassett, UB Architecture

280 Park Hall

Asia@Noon series "Recovering China’s Agricultural and Water Landscapes: Reconfiguring Rural to Urban Built Typologies" Bassett will be discussing her design research and teaching, which engage the Recovering of China’s Agricultural and Water Landscape and the reconfiguring of rural to urban built typologies. Within the context of China’s new urbanization strategy, her work examines the possibilities […]

S@H – Mark Nathan, History

Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center 341 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

"From the Mountains to the Cities: Propagating Buddhism in Twentieth-Century Korea" He examines the modern transformation of Buddhism in Korea from a socially marginalized community of monastics under the Chosŏn dynasty (1392-1910) to a socially engaged and institutionally revitalized religion capable of attracting millions of urban lay followers today. Nathan will explore the concept, practice, […]


DiSC Workshop: Encoding Visual Objects for Digital Editions and Other Collections

128 Clemens Hall

Learn to encode visual objects, including photographs and facsimiles, for use in digital editions, enriched web collections, or other scholarly publications and resources. In addition to fundamentals in encoding and data modelling, we will discuss how to create an annotated, interactive image collection using XML encoding and simple HTML publication. No previous technical skills or […]

Mandi Shepp and Alison Fraser

420 Capen Hall

"The Library Beyond the Vail: a Brief History of Post-Mortem and Channeled Texts" Mandi Shepp, Librarian at the Marion H. Skidmore Library in Historic Lily Dale, NY will be speaking about the history of post-mortem and channeled texts, and will be bringing a selection of material from the library to view. "Monster-Wives and Animal-Paramours: Occult […]

Geneva Overholser

Student Union Theater

International Education Week 2015 Keynote Lecture “The Media Revolution: What It Means for You” Geneva Overholser, Senior Fellow in the Informed Participation Program, Democracy Fund Description of Talk A free press may be the cornerstone of democracy, but America’s legacy media institutions are largely dying businesses today.  The traditional economic model of advertising no longer […]


Dr. Dorothee Brantz, Technische Universität Berlin

1004 Clemens Hall

"Bunkered Landscapes and the Search for Peace in Post-World War II Berlin" World War II was an urban war.  Increasingly targeting civilians, this war inflicted tremendous physical destruction and human suffering on cities worldwide. This talk focuses on the history of air-raid bunkers in Berlin to illustrate the linkages between war, ideology, and the urban […]


The Impact of Maimonides

708 Clemens Hall

Event Speakers: Moshe Halbertal, Lawrence Kaplan, Kenneth Green and James Diamond One of the most revolutionary figures in the Jewish tradition is the philosopher and legal scholar, Moses Maimonides (1138-1204). The last two years have witnessed many new books published on Maimonides’ thought by leading academic scholars in the United States, Canada and Israel. This […]
